WEBINAR on WGI Working Groups Progress & Invitation - 24 June 2020
While Jan Willem van der Kamp (TNO/WUR, NL), Jan de Vries (Nutrition Solutions, NL) and Caroline Sluyter (WGC, US) presented their comprehensive progress report from their working groups on Whole Graini Definition(s), Economic Evalutation of Increased Whole Graini Intake and Best Practices for PPP and Communication, Nicola McKewon (TUFTS, US) and Keagan Ringling (UoM, US) invited the participants to join two new WGI Working Groups on Whole Grain Intake Recommendation(s) and Whole Grain Sustainibility. Many thanks not only to the chairs of the International Working Groups but also to all the active working group contributors! You've done already a great job!